Benjamin Naiser
This entry is in regards to 2019, as a year filled with harsh balance. I new almost immediately 2019 would be a wild ride. By the end of January two members of my family passed away. During February I took a trip to NYC for the first time to tattoo at Rebels & Saints; I made new friends and fell in love with the city. In March I made my first trip to Alabama. I spent 3 days tattooing at The Bell Rose, and made more amazing friends. I spent most of April preparing for/ and recovering from the Louisville Tattoo Convention. May was a month of recalibration. I felt a need to fix anxiety-causing situations in my life, and did my best at fixing those issues. In June I took another trip down to Alabama, and spent a full week tattooing and hanging out with the wonderful people at the Bell Rose. It was just as hard to leave home as it was to leave the new friends and place I had found in Alabama. (on the way to alabama my cars transmission failed and that whole situation lasted about a month and ended with me taking a day off work to drive from kentucky to alabama and back to get my car once it was repaired lol)
Now we enter July...
Every July 4th week, for as long as I can remember, I have visited the UP of Michigan. During my visit this year I struggled through stress caused by the situations I had gotten myself into, and I basically let it ruin my holiday. I left the trip early to get back back and recover, and a week after I received an award in Louisville Magazine. Things seemed to have balanced themselves out, and I was starting to feel better about the future.
(during this time i had a customer that was wanting me to conduct business in a way that i’m not comfortable. as a result, i partially refunded the deposit and cancelled the appointment. eventually i find this person had left me bad reviews on multiple platforms and one day i awoke and got on FB to find another post they had made. so i made a short sighted... dumb... definitely knee jerk... reaction and replied to the post basically saying that i thought they were wrong and wanted -the exact term i used was “advise”- them to stay away from me. this -of course- was twisted into me threatening this person. as a result, i was fired from my workplace via text message)
Suddenly my future was shattered. Luckily I had friends that were willing to help me through the trying time, and let me continue my business at their workplace. I spent one month tattooing in Indiana and during that time was making arrangements to move into a private studio.
By mid August I had finished the move into the new location. The private studio located at Suite 1, 2216 Dundee Road is located in the House of Wax. I work next to some amazing professionals, and the space is super nice. I’m excited to create a unique tattooing experience that everyone can enjoy. I’m relieved to say that I feel free from the worries I’ve struggled with all year. Naturally I have been presented with a brand new set of worries, but this time I am the one responsible for pretty much all of them. So once again, I will continue to change and adapt to become a better artist and better business person... and a better person all around.
-gonna try to get better balance-